Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Now we are having problems with rabbits eating our little veggies. To prevent this from happening in the future I am in stalling a rabbit fence. The fence is going to be about six inches underground and about one and a half feet above ground. it will run along the inside of the fence so we can keep the staples out of sight as much as possible. Soon the fence will be up and keeping rabbits out of the garden. Now all we have to do is hope poeple will keep the gate closed.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Well it’s been a little while since the last blog but not too much has gone on. It has been raining a lot so that has limited the time we can spend in the garden. It was a sad day yesterday finally saying good bye to the tomato plants but it was time for them to go for they were no longer producing good tomatoes. It is also time to say our goodbyes to the late okra crop. It was planted a little too late and I am afraid it will not be producing. On the bright side I visited jean and carol’s organic garden earlier in the week to get advice and some new veggies. It was after speaking with Jean and Carol that I made my final decision on pulling up the tomato and okra crops. To replace the tomatoes and okra we have a variety of lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, chard, and spinach. Well time to go put some of these things in the ground.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Keeping it clean

Unfortunately, due to all the rain this week there has been very limited time spent in the beds doing maintenance like weeding and pruning. When you have these consecutive rainy days this is a good time to look around the garden to see what ells needs to be done. So this week I took advantage of not being able tending to the garden and cleaned up the area around the garden. It is important to maintain a clean and organized work area. When you know where everything is you wont waste time looking around for stuff. Also it is important to keep the area clean so you don't invite unwanted pest into the garden. areas with clutter on the ground, rather it be tools or organic matter, invite ants and other unwanted insects into your garden area.